Rendered goose fat

Goose fat is an irreplaceable fatty substance in the European best restaurants and menus of healthy food used in cooking. Goose fat can be surely used instead of edible oil or another fatty substance in cooking e.g. when preparing meat, fish, vegetables, fried cabbage, but also dish of sauerkraut, pearl barley and pork and fried potatoes.

About nutrition of fats

Based on the surveys of Institute for Health Development the edible fats should cover 25-30% of nutritive energy, incl:

  • saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids in total not over 10%;
  • mono-unsaturates 10-15%;
  • polyunsaturates 5-10%, incl essential polyunsaturates at least 3% of nutritive energy.

The person with the energy need of 2000 kcal should consume daily:

0.25 x 2000 kcal/9 kcal = 55 g up to 0.3x200 0kcal/9 kcal = 65 g fats.

By daily energy need of 2500 kcal the recommended daily amount of fats is 70–85 g, in case of 3000 kcal 85–100 g.

The quantity of saturated fats is almost nonexistent in goose fat, e.g. when compared to butter which includes saturated fat of 54g per 100g, the goose fat though only 27.7g per 100g.

More about goose fat

Compared to other fats, goose fat is mostly consisting of mono-unsaturates and polyunsaturates.

For example,  mono-unsaturate for the benefit of “healthy heart“ can be found 55g in 100 g of goose fat, though 19.8 g per 100g in butter and polyunsaturate10.8 g per 100g in goose fat, 2.6 g in butter.

Goose fat includes also 1025 mg of Omega-3 per 100 g and 200 92 mg of Omega-6.

Alpha-linolenic acid, i.e. Omega-3 fatty acid and linoleic acid, i.e. Omega-6 fatty acid are so-called essential fatty acids and the body can get them only from food.

Besides above, goose fat also consists of Omega-7 2.8 g/100g and oleic acid – Omega-9 (C18.1 certain type of mono-unsaturate) which has the impact of decreasing the (bad) cholesterol. Goose fat also includes A,D,E and K vitamins and selenium.

Choosing fats for food is extremely important and it is reasonable to prefer the best.